Michael Clayton English Movie

Feature Film | 2007 | Drama, Thriller

Michael Clayton is a 2007 English movie directed by Tony Gilroy starring Tom Wilkinson, Michael O Keefe, Sydney Pollack and Danielle Skraastad.

Michael Clayton is an in-house "fixer" at one of the largest corporate law firms in New York. A former criminal prosecutor, Clayton takes care of Kenner, Bach & Ledeen's dirtiest work at the behest of the firm's co-founder Marty Bach. Though burned out and hardly content with his job as a fixer, his divorce, a failed business venture and mounting debt have left Clayton inextricably tied to the firm. At U/North, meanwhile, the career of litigator Karen Crowder rests on the multi-million dollar settlement of a class action suit that Clayton's firm is leading to a seemingly successful conclusion. But when Kenner Bach's brilliant and guilt-ridden attorney Arthur Edens sabotages the U/North case, Clayton faces the biggest challenge of his career and his life.

Release Info:
October 5 2007 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Tony Gilroy
Michael O Keefe
Michael O Keefe
Sydney Pollack
Sydney Pollack
Danielle Skraastad
Danielle Skraastad

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Cast & Crew Details:
Tom Wilkinson in Michael Clayton Tom Wilkinson
Michael O Keefe in Michael Clayton Michael O Keefe
Sydney Pollack in Michael Clayton Sydney Pollack
Danielle Skraastad in Michael Clayton Danielle Skraastad

Director: Tony Gilroy