Love Express Hindi Movie

Love Express Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2011 | Comedy, Romantic

Love Express is a 2011 Indian movie directed by Sunny Bhambani starring Sahil Mehta, Vikas Katyal, Mannat Ravi and Priyum Galav. The feature film is produced by Subhash Ghai and the music composed by JAIDEV.

A TRAIN generally carries passengers towards their destination, but this time when it leaves the station, it not only takes the passengers but also carries two special love stories to their destiny.

A marriage between two young people Ashneet and Kanav is about to take place and their loving Punjabi families are in full swing and turn the train journey into a celebration. But the families are not even aware that Ashneet and Kanav do not want this marriage to happen. Both of them have created a plan to sabotage their own wedding because they feel they are not meant for one another.

Besides this plan to ruin a potential bond there is another broken bond floating on this train. Priyanka and Chiragh, two lovers from the past still carry the memories collected in five years of love before they split up. It seems that even this bond is not going to strike since Priyanka is now engaged but as the train moves relentlessly it unfolds the love in stories and brings special characters providing hope at the right moment. LOVE EXPRESS reveals itself in every possible form - humor, pain, anger and finally true love.

Release Info:
June 10 2011 (India)   
Language: Hindi
Director: Sunny Bhambani
Sahil Mehta
Sahil Mehta
Vikas Katyal
Vikas Katyal
Mannat Ravi
Mannat Ravi
Priyum Galav
Priyum Galav

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Cast & Crew Details:
Sahil Mehta in Love Express Sahil Mehta
Vikas Katyal in Love Express Vikas Katyal
Mannat Ravi in Love Express Mannat Ravi
Priyum Galav in Love Express Priyum Galav
Om Puri in Love Express Om Puri

Director: Sunny Bhambani
Producer: Subhash Ghai
Music Director: JAIDEV
Song Lyrics Writer: Kumaar
Sound Designer: Sohel Sanwari
Cinematographer: Kabir Lal
Editor: Yashashwini