Mallika Hindi Movie

Mallika Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2010 | Horror

Mallika is a 2010 Indian movie directed by Wilson Louis starring Sammir Dattani, Sheena Nayar, Himanshu Mallik and Pooja Ballutia.

Sanjana is haunted by nightmares and vivid visions of a murder that took place in the house years before she moved in! She has a special gift or rather a curse to see the unseen... to witness the darks past of any place she inhabits. Not able to take the horrific recreation of the death anymore, Sanjana decides to leave the house and go for a vacation... hoping that those visions will stop chasing her... to a seduced fort cum resort in Rajasthan! However little did she know that things were going to go from bad to worse at the fort which holds a dark secret deep inside it's chest... a past that will change Sanjana's life forever...

Release Info:
September 3 2010 (India)   
Language: Hindi
Director: Wilson Louis
Sammir Dattani
Sammir Dattani
Himanshu Mallik
Himanshu Mallik
Pooja Ballutia
Pooja Ballutia
Rajesh Khera
Rajesh Khera
Suresh Menon
Suresh Menon
Arjun Mahajan
Arjun Mahajan

Cast & Crew Details:
Sammir Dattani in Mallika Sammir Dattani
Sheena Nayar in Mallika Sheena Nayar
Himanshu Mallik in Mallika Himanshu Mallik
Pooja Ballutia in Mallika Pooja Ballutia
Rajesh Khera in Mallika Rajesh Khera
Suresh Menon in Mallika Suresh Menon
Arjun Mahajan in Mallika Arjun Mahajan

Director: Wilson Louis