Fuel English Movie

Feature Film

Fuel is a English movie directed by Josh Tickell starring Barbara Boxer, Sir Richard Branson, Sheryl Crow and Larry David.

Record high oil prices, global warming, and an insatiable demand for energy: these issues will be the catalyst for heated debates and positive change for many years to come. 2008 Sundance award-winning film FUEL exposes shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry and the government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity and non-food-based biofuels. Josh Tickell and his Veggie Van take us on the road as we discover the pros and cons of biofuels, how America's addiction to oil is destroying the U.S. economy and how green energy can save us, but only if we act now.

Release Info:
2008 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Josh Tickell
Barbara Boxer
Barbara Boxer
Sir Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson
Sheryl Crow
Sheryl Crow
Larry David
Larry David
Laurie David
Laurie David
Larry Hagman
Larry Hagman

Cast & Crew Details:
Barbara Boxer in Fuel Barbara Boxer
Sir Richard Branson in Fuel Sir Richard Branson
Sheryl Crow in Fuel Sheryl Crow
Larry David in Fuel Larry David
Laurie David in Fuel Laurie David
Larry Hagman in Fuel Larry Hagman
Woody Harrelson in Fuel Woody Harrelson

Director: Josh Tickell