Elvis has left the building English Movie

Feature Film | 2004

Elvis has left the building is a 2004 English movie directed by Joel Zwick starring Kim Basinger, John Corbett, Denise Richards and Sean Astin.
Release Info:
December 12 2004 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Joel Zwick
John Corbett
John Corbett
Sean Astin
Sean Astin
Annie Potts
Annie Potts

Cast & Crew Details:
Kim Basinger in Elvis has left the building Kim Basinger
John Corbett in Elvis has left the building John Corbett
Denise Richards in Elvis has left the building Denise Richards
Sean Astin in Elvis has left the building Sean Astin
Annie Potts in Elvis has left the building Annie Potts

Director: Joel Zwick