Therese English Movie

Therese English Movie

Feature Film | Drama

Therese is a English movie directed by Claude Miller starring Audrey Tautou, Gilles Lellouche, Anaïs Demoustier and Catherine Arditi.

Thérèse (Audrey Tautou) has married less for love than for convenience, but it is not long before the casual disinterestedness shown her by her arrogant husband, Bernard (Gilles Lellouche), sets her mind in motion.

Release Info:
2013 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Claude Miller
Gilles Lellouche
Gilles Lellouche
Anaïs Demoustier
Anaïs Demoustier
Catherine Arditi
Catherine Arditi

Cast & Crew Details:
Audrey Tautou in Therese Audrey Tautou
Gilles Lellouche in Therese Gilles Lellouche
Anaïs Demoustier in Therese Anaïs Demoustier
Catherine Arditi in Therese Catherine Arditi

Director: Claude Miller