The Last Act Hindi Movie

The Last Act Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2012

The Last Act is a 2012 Indian movie directed by Nitin Bhardwaj, Tathagata Singha, Nijo Jonson and Rohit R. Gaba starring Sourabh Shukla, Asif Basra and Shreyas Pandit. The feature film is produced by Anurag Kashyap

It started with a simple idea. Anurag Kashyap, Sudhir Mishra and Chakri Toleti will choose 12 directors from across India to make 10 minute short films. Each film will be part of a larger story. Not a collection of short stories but an integral part of a larger story. The main plot was written by Anurag Kashyap. Then the madness started. The 12 directors were chosen from 600 entries. They were given the plot and they came back with their section. Set in 12 different cities.

Release Info:
December 12 2012 (India)   
Language: Hindi
Directors: Nitin Bhardwaj, Tathagata Singha, Nijo Jonson, Rohit R. Gaba, Tejas Joshi, Jagannathan, Kabir Chowdhry, Nitye Sood, Varun Chowdhury, Anurag Goswami, Rohin V, Himanshu Tyagi, Asmit Pathare
Cast: Sourabh Shukla, Asif Basra, Shreyas Pandit
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Cast & Crew Details:
Sourabh Shukla in The Last Act Sourabh Shukla
Asif Basra in The Last Act Asif Basra
Shreyas Pandit in The Last Act Shreyas Pandit

Directors: Nitin Bhardwaj, Tathagata Singha, Nijo Jonson, Rohit R. Gaba, Tejas Joshi, Jagannathan, Kabir Chowdhry, Nitye Sood, Varun Chowdhury, Anurag Goswami, Rohin V, Himanshu Tyagi, Asmit Pathare
Producer: Anurag Kashyap