Venkat Prabhu's Chennai-28 sequel, a re-union of a different kind
Apr 12, 2016 JBSometimes, the greatest attraction of some of the spectacular blockbusters is the ‘TEAM’ itself. The stars and technicians, who once created the magical amusements, become the source of the crowd pullers relentlessly for years.
Could anyone imagine a film made before 10 years, still remains to be the favorite that even a kid would be excited, right on its signature theme Venkat Prabhu and his ‘Chennai 60028’ team absolutely created an impeccable impact upon the crowds that still remains to be the same.
While almost the same cast and crew of ‘Chennai 600028’ will be retained over its sequel, few more exciting inclusions are awaited to bring more celebrations. The re union of this ever young bubbly team was sentimental, and resembled a re union of lost friends. Individual hits in their respective careers has not withered the spirit of their friend ship and if the sound and gaiety is the indication , the second innings is all set to become a massive total. Click the Movie button below for more info:
Chennai 600028 II Innings
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