Rooney Mara hopes for sequel to The Girl with the...

Rooney Mara hopes for sequel to 'The Girl with the...'

Aug 16, 2013 IANS

Los Angeles, Aug 16 (IANS) Actress Rooney Mara is hoping for a sequel to her 2011 mystery thriller "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo".

The 28-year-old earned an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander, a computer hacker in the film, but despite showing a green light to the movie in 2012, the Sony Pictures has yet to move forward with a long-planned follow-up of the film, reports

"I hope that they make the second one. I'm just not sure when they're going to. I mean, I hope they make it soon because I'm not getting any younger. The second one is very physical, so hopefully they'll be making it sooner rather than later," Mara told MTV News.

The films are based on writer Stieg Larsson's best-selling crime novel trilogy about an intelligent computer hacker who unites with journalist Mikael Blomkvist (played by Daniel Craig) to uncover a major conspiracy.

Click the Movie button below for more info:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


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