Reema laments Simbu let her down
Oct 30, 2006 P.V.Sathish Kumar" I worked hard for one-and-a-half years and made compromises and adjustments to suit "Vallavan's" schedules. But all my efforts have gone down the drain," actress Reema Sen lamented on her birthday last week.
An English newspaper reported quoted her as saying that she now feels that she has been totally let down by Simbu, who played the lead
role as also directed "Vallavan" which had taken two years to complete and was released on Oct.21 (Deepavali Day).
Her role was completely butchered and that she was photographed very badly, she remarked while launching a vicious attack on Simbu.
"Vallavan" was one of the films for which she had given the "best shot"; ' I really worked hard at it and it turned out to be such a
mess. I feel very sad".
She plays the role of Geetha, a school girl in the film. Nayanthara plays a trainee lecturer in the college.
From the beginning, Reema and Simbu were at loggerheads over make-up, costumes, and so on. "When I saw the final film, I received a rude shock. Not only were my parts cut, but even the basic story had been changed."
"I am very upset that the end product is not what I expected it to be," she is reported to have said.
"During the filming everything became personal at one point in time. If a person is not a professional, the film suffers. This is a part of my career and I can't afford to take it lightly which is why I want to clarify my stance."
She added, "I would like to put all this behind me and dismiss it as a bad episode.
She would not comment when she was asked whether she would act in any Simbu's films in future.
Her next film "Rendu" with Madhavan will be released soon and "I am looking forward to it.... I started my career with Madhavan in "Minnale".
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