Law suit against Naadiya Kollapetta Rathri
Oct 1, 2007 NRThe makers of Naadiya Kollappetta Rathri, directed by K.Madhu, are to face a lawsuit, and that too because of a telephone number they had used rather casually. A BSNL employee haling from Thiruvananthapuram had reportedly filed a suit against the makers of the film for having invaded into his privacy. What led to this may seem rather simple from outside. But if you care to hear out his grievance, you may feel that it is not as simple as it sounds.
There is a sequence in the film in which one of the characters (played by Madhupal) gives out a cell number, which as per the story, is the number of Nadiya, the lead character played by Kavya Madhavan. From the day the film was released, the aforementioned BSNL employee began getting calls after calls inquiring whether it is Kavya Madhavan.
Many of the fans were not ready to believe that it wasn't the number of the actress. And when things began to go beyond a limit, the angry employee decided to file a suit against the director and producer of the movie for having invaded upon his privacy. The makers are reported to be claiming that they had used the number after confirming that it is a number that was currently out of use.
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