Cowboy Movie Review
When the very last opening title of a film turns out to be 'Starring...' with the names of the cast and crew having made their appearance long back, you have this ominous notion creeping up your mind, that something is bound to be wrong with what is to follow. 'Cowboy' proves your instinct right in no time.
The film has Asif Ali playing Vinay, who is despised by his father for being the irresponsible son that he thinks Vinay has evolved into. Vinay runs a pub in Kuala Lampur, and is entrusted the task of delivering his nephew to the airport, where the boy would be picked up by his sister. Enroute to the airport however, Vinay meets Xavier (Bala) who has other plans for the youngster in mind.
Apparently, there is the Indian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Khushboo) on a visit to the country, and Xavier and his team want her bumped off their track. Within no time, they hold a gun to Vinay's head, thrust another one in his pockets and set him off on her trail.
Wait, there is a costume change that I forgot to mention, and Vinay is ordered to dress up like there were no tomorrow, before he embarks on the task. And the guy starts running from pillar to post, making us wonder what this entire bellowing is all about. For, pillars and posts remain the same, whether it be in Malaysia or way back in India, and after a while, they start getting on your nerves.
I never knew Cowboys, by rule, were a group of men who were reckless and totally out of control. It's when Xavier points it out in a scene that you realize that the title of the film perhaps refers to the script and not the hero. And yes, as far as the screenplay is concerned, I would agree without argument that it appears thoughtless and absolutely whacky.
There is a young woman by the name Laila (Archana), who accompanies Xavier who is pictured as some daredevil lass who hold no sentiments when it comes to doing her job. We are told that she isn't scared of death and that she is as bad as a woman can get to be. One wonders why Xavier doesn't make her do the assassination task instead of Vinay, since a professional is bound to have done it way too better than a pub owner who hold a gun in his hands for the first time in his life.
The film that has been structured in the real time format is a real test on your endurance and does make you glance at your watch every now and then. Time appears to be moving slower than ever, and you console yourself with the thought that it would all be over in a couple of hours.
This is expected to be a thriller film that would make you hold on to the edge of your seats in anticipation. However, what it does do, is that it makes you stretch out, let out a yawn or two and rest your head back in peace. And when you are about to rise from your seats finally, thinking that the worst is over and done with, starts a moral science class that last for another five minutes. Phew!
Asif Ali is way over the top in a few scenes, while he just about remains okay in the rest of the scenes. Bala broods and glares, while Khushboo sashays around in all elegance. Mythili is there as well in a role that's over even before it shows any signs of evolving.
This 'Cowboy' has wholly lost his reins. It's pretty lame, hammy and downright dull and would ride away to oblivion in no time.