Poola Rangadu Telugu Movie Review

Poola Rangadu Movie Review

Feature Film | 2012
'Poolarangadu' is a comical treat that you can enjoy with your near and dear ones. This is one of those seasonal comedy entertainers that you should definitely watch.
Feb 19, 2012 By Haricharan Pudipeddi

In Indian film industry rising to the stardom of a hero is a herculean task. And, especially had you started your career as a character artist or comedian; your chances are further narrowed. Sunil is one such actor who started his career as a comedian and today has successfully risen to the level of a hero, after months of commitment and dedication. Will Sunil be the next superstar; I doubt? However, people are sure to remember him for his role in 'Poolarangadu' for a while.

Ranga (Sunil), who has lost everything in real estate business, happens to buy a disputed 30-acre land in Warangal. However, Konda and Lala, the local goons see the land as a prestige issue. So, whoever buys the land will have to shed his blood for the sin. Ranga, unaware of the background, arrives from Hyderabad to sell away his land for a higher price. Ali, his friend, enlightens him and advises him to befriend Anitha (Isha Chawla), Lala's daughter, so as to reach out to her father and in the process earns Konda's loyalty and becomes his muse. Even as Anitha falls in love with the innocent and funny Ranga, Konda wants to marry Anitha to old settle scores with Lala and their old enmity.

What I like about this film and especially about Sunil is the fact that he capitalized on his strength; comedy. Although Sunil got an opportunity to play hero; I'm glad he did not ignore his strength and actually used it in his favor. We have several character artistes/villains when got an opportunity to play a hero, forgot their roots and pretended as though they were born to be heroes. Special credit to the director for keeping his success sutra intact and giving the audience yet another wholesome family laugh riot.

Sunil undoubtedly deserves a standing ovation for the effort he's put in this role. Not only did he make everybody realize that it's in him to be a hero; he also proved that he's not one among those actors who are headstrong about sketching their characters. Here, Sunil blindly believed in his director and gave in return more than what even the director asked for. Isha Chawla as Sunil's lady love shines off at regular intervals but not throughout. It may be possible that Sunil could've stolen her limelight too but nevertheless this pretty lady deserves a 'well done'. Sunil proved his mettle through dance as well; his moves were blessed with grace; his six packs are sheer proof of his hard work and dedication. Rest of the artistes decently filled in their parts decently.

Technically, too, this film fared beyond expectations. The music was decent and managed to push everybody in the groove mood. Sparring few ignorable not worth discussing brief moments in the film, 'Poolarangadu' is a film for everybody.

Haricharan Pudipeddi

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