Shakal Pe Mat Ja Hindi Movie Review

Shakal Pe Mat Ja Movie Review

Feature Film | 2011 | Comedy
One shouldn't go by the looks of Shakal Pe Mat Ja and definitely pay heed to this review. The film is easily avoidable.
Nov 17, 2011 By Mansha Rastogi

Shubh Mukherjee may not be a known actor but his easy claim to fame (read recognition) in the industry has been his marriage to actress Hrishitaa Bhat. The actor who last starred in an obscure film Nakshatra makes his way to celluloid this time not just as an actor but also as a writer and director with Shakal Pe Mat Ja. But as the title suggests, one should definitely not judge the book by its cover hence we give you an insight into what this film is about.

Shakal Pe Mat Ja is a comedy of errors about four boys, Ankit (Shubh Mukherjee), Bulai (Harshal Parekh), Rohan (Chitrak Bandopadhay) and Dhruv (Prateik Kataria) who get caught as suspects at the Delhi Airport on a high alert day. Their crime? Filming the planes for their apparent documentary.

Their interrogation turns out to be a nightmare not just for them but also for the cops as one thing leads to another while the ATS and Terrorist groups also get entangled into the fiasco!

Shakal Pe Mat Ja appears a clear case of fingers in too many pies. Director, writer and actor Shubh Mukherjee's attention appears scattered and uneven in almost all areas. His director is headless, story aimless and acting clueless. The entire episode happens within the confines of the airport and it is an utter disbelief that they show the ATS (Anti Terrorist Squad) unable to find four people at the airport! Moreover, when they eventually find the bomb their bomb squad says they will take time to reach that place and the task is handed over to the hero (Shubh), a person who diffused sample bombs in college!!!

The film still has one good thing about it and that's the editing. The intercuts in the film are smartly interjected and even the way the characters are introduced is intelligently done. Only if the length of the film could be worked out, it could've become a little more bearable. There are scenes that are too long and unnecessary which could easy be edited.

Another sore point of the film is the jarring background score. It's painfully loud to a point of challenging your tolerance. Music is decent but would've worked better had it been picturised well. Actors like Amna Shariff and Saurabh Shukla are wasted. Harshal, Chitrak and Dhruv add to the agony.

To sum it up, one shouldn't go by the looks of Shakal Pe Mat Ja and definitely pay heed to this review. The film is easily avoidable.

Mansha Rastogi

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