Aakasame Haddu Movie Review
With a lot of potential and plenty to offer, Aakasame Haddu falls short of what I call good, entertaining cinema. The film has too much to offer but fails to deliver due to bad direction and dull screenplay. Director Ravichandran cooked up a usual story with ingredients such as love, humor and a healthy dose of message. But, whether he succeeds in his attempt, one can give only an arguable answer.
Aakasame Haddu starts of brilliantly. As the camera pans through the first shot, audience are introduced to a sober Narayana wallowing in a sense of loss. He is next seen mixing poison with alcohol, all set to kick the bucket. He is interrupted by a fellow boozer Karthik who inquires how he can help him sail through the difficulty.
Narayana shares his story, how brilliant he was in college, his successful relationship with his father and his feelings for Keerthi, how much he loved her. On her part, Keerthi turns down Narayana's proposal. Convinced that she is not going to love him any time soon, he decided to die.
After lending his ears with attention to Narayana's story, Karthik offers his help. Few scenes later, after successfully following simple tips from Karthik, Narayana and Keerthi are seen sharing lighter over a cup of coffee. Soon, Narayana is back on track, he fairs well in education like always and all set to graduate with flying colors. But, he will have a shock of his life.
Many years back, Karthik was a brilliant student, he also shared a healthy relationship with his family and he too had a story very similar to Narayana's. What is the common between the stories of Narayana and Karthik forms the rest of the story.
The film brings forth novelty but fails to reach the audience due to some bad direction. The director doesn't make an attempt to keep the suspense that was constructed brilliantly, initially. Once, you applaud to the director's attempt and later criticize for bad characterization. Nobody can understand why Karthik gave up on his agenda when he faced a similar situation. And, why now he chose to help a total stranger out of similar situation. Navdeep seemed unprepared and monotonous in his role. While, Panchi
flaunts her beauty with ease but fails in acting.
Music was mediocre and out of five songs you may like two songs. Background score was refreshing but once again fails create any impact. Dialogues by JN Reddy were hard hitting and linger in your head for a while. In a nutshell, Aakasame Haddu, as the title suggests had sky as limit but fails miserably to even go beyond average.