United Six Hindi Movie Review

United Six Movie Review

Feature Film | 2011
United Six has a hugely flawed script. It has silly twists that test your patience and thrill element is just lacking. Stay away.
Feb 4, 2011 By Ashok Nayak

United Six releases with no hype, in fact most wouldn't even be aware of its release. But the Vishal Aryan Singh directed film, from the trailers, looked interesting mainly because it has no male lead actor, a rarity in the male-dominated world of Bollywood.

The director and the entire lead cast, except Daisy Bopanna (Garam Masala), are on debut. So, does the film manage to surprise?

The film is about six girls - Jai (Daisy Bopanna), Shaina (Parvathy Omanakuttan), Tia (Mahi), Tootsie (Pooja Sharma), Maddy (Luna Lahkar) and Candy (Isha Batwe) in Bangkok. With all of them going through personal lows, they decide to rob a bank! Jia, who used to work for the bank, was fired from her job as she refused to sleep with her boss. She leads the gang of six.

They dig a tunnel through a nearby bakery that would lead them to the bank, but soon give up the whole mission. The next day, the girls are shocked to know, that the exact same bank has been robbed and the cops are out to nab them.

Firstly, let me warn you, the film is extremely kiddish and lacks even an iota of sense. Why would a frustrated bunch of six girls who have nothing to do, of all things in the world, decide to rob a bank? And then suddenly, for no big reason, they ditch the whole mission..!

And when the weird bank robbery is carried out by someone, they decide to run on the streets. Why not simply surrender and explain the whole thing to the cops?

In short, United Six is heights of stupidity and the casualness with which a serious crime like bank robbery is treated in the film is shocking.

The only positives are the well executed action sequences, the way the movie has been shot and Amar Mohile's background score.

The performances are nothing great either. Daisy and Parvathy are good. Luna is okay and the rest need a crash course in acting.

To sum things up, United Six has a hugely flawed script. It has silly twists that test your patience and thrill element is just lacking. Stay away.

Ashok Nayak

Review by: Noyon Jyoti Parasara - NOWRUNNING
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