Potta Potti 50-50 Movie Review
"Potta Potti" is all about two teams playing a cricket match to decide upon a suitable bridegroom for a girl, who is the daughter of a big landlord in a village. It might remind you of films like Aamir Khan's "Lagaan" or Venkat Prabhu's "Chennai 600 028", but the similarity starts and ends with cricket.
Debutant director Yuvaraj has no pretensions about what he wants. He makes it pretty clear and obvious that he wants to present a comedy film making use of the most popular game in India -- cricket.
The story kicks off in a picturesque village. Two locals, Kodaivaanan (R. Sivam) and Kolaivaanan (Umar) have a girl, Ranjitham (newcomer Harini to fight for. Kolaivaanan is violent and serious while Kodaivaanan is a happy-go-lucky kind of a guy. He has Avatharam ('Avatar' Ganesh) as his right hand.
Kodaivaanan's group kidnaps former cricketer Sadagopan Ramesh (playing himself) to coach them. On the other hand, Harichandran (Mayilsamy), a fake coach, joins Kolaivaanan's group. Later, they get professional support with the help of some businessman eyeing to get advantage from Kolaivaanan after the match.
Ranjitham doesn't like either of the guys and instead falls for the cricketer who also likes the girl. Watch the movie to find out the outcome of the match and the affair between Sadagopan and Ranjitham.
The task of making people who have never touched a cricket bat play has been shown in a funny manner. Yuvarj has managed to present the movie with ample dose of humour. He has been effectively complemented by Avatar Ganesh, S. Sivam, and Mayilsamy in making the film entertaining.
The first half is racy while the second half is relatively slow. The build-up for the match is neither fun nor engaging. Strangely, Ranjitham never expresses her disinterest towards the two contenders. Everything has been handled in a casual manner.
Sivam and Umar have played their parts well but it's Avatar Ganesh who's the pick of the lot. He is the one who makes the proceedings interesting. Harini looks good and does what the director has told her to do. Period.
Sadagopan's appearance throughout the movie doesn't strengthen the script. He's a misfit in comical fare. Mayilsamy has done his job neatly.
The cinematography by Gopi Amarnath is an asset while the music by Aruldev is just about okay.
"Potta Potti" doesn't have the excitement of a movie based on sports but it doesn't disappoint as a fun-filled movie. Watch it for the innocence with which the villagers approach the game and some hilarious moments presented by the characters of Kodaivaanan and Avatharam.