Prithvi Movie Review
Puneet Raj Kumar has tried to reinvent himself in the mature role of a deputy commissioner in the much-awaited "Prithwi", a film with political overtones. It is a harsh comment on the existing system steeped in corruption where an honest and hard-working officer faces many hurdles while doing his duty.
Director Varghese has focused his story mainly on illegal mining activities in the villages of Bellary district near the Karnataka-Andhra Pradesh border.
Puneet Raj Kumar gives an excellent performance. He lives the role of the deputy commissioner. The film is technically sound and its dialogues have the right punch.
Varghese has made a stylish film that has a lot of class. And he hasn't given into the temptation of diluting the content of the script by adding silly comedy.
The film does have its negative points. Its pace tends to slow down a bit too much in the second half and some of the sequences seem repetitive.
Also, the film focuses on Puneet's role and the don's character, making the other parts seem relatively weaker.
In the film, protagonist Prithwi is transferred to the politically volatile district of Bellary where exists a nexus between the criminals, mine owners and the police.
Prithwi is horrified to see the way mine owners are cheating the government and polluting the environment. He orders closure of all factories that are responsible for contaminating the watertable and refuses to issue fresh licences to mine owners. This leads to a stand-off with minister and local mine owner Nagendra.
Nagendra tries to appease and even threaten Prithwi many times. Prithwi's wife Priya is scared of these developments and fears for his life.
Prithwi, meanwhile, finds out that an honest government servant working as surveyor has been missing for many days. In his quest to find his whereabouts, Prithwi gets a file containing incriminating evidence. Finally, the hero corners the don and upholds the rule of law.
Puneet, who has so far played happy-go-lucky and action-oriented roles, has taken on a big challenge by doing a serious role. And he comes out with flying colours.
Parvathy Menon does not have a big role, but she plays her part well nevertheless.
Kokki does justice to the villain's role while Avinash and Sreenivasa Murthy do what they are expected to.
Full marks to Sathya for his brilliant cinematography. The stunt sequences are well choreographed and Manikanth Khadri scores well in the background music. The song "Hejjegondu Hejje" is pleasing and has been picturised well.
"Prithwi" is a very kind of film for Puneet. You are sure to like it if you are a Puneet fan.