Decent Parties Malayalam Movie Review

Decent Parties Movie Review

Feature Film | 2009
Decent Parties is a royally uninspiring comedy (assuming that it was aspiring to be one) that has literally little reason for existence. It's a living evidence as to how trying, slothful and pitiable movies can actually be.
Sep 8, 2009 By Veeyen

One can never really be sure as to how a film like Decent Parties gets to be made. It has to start from some serious blunder that got mistaken as a story idea, with several other slip-ups following suit, all of which would finally evolve into a horrifying shape that would set off the panic alarm in the viewer in no time.

The story of this film is so lame, that attempting to describe it could be even lamer. We are told that Sudheendran (Jagadish) is some videographer who hands over a few lakhs in cash to Rafeeq (Salimkumar) who promises to lead him onto the glitzy world of cinema, as a scriptwriter. Quite expectedly, Rafeeq takes off with the money, and Sudhi roams about until he gets it back. End of story.

There is nothing exciting about the life of this man who gets trapped in the stickiest situations imaginable, on account of a lack of common sense. At least nothing moving enough to be the matter for a film. The script offers no insight into the psyche of this man either, that makes him look like an idiot who has simply lost it in life.

This is why the film fails on so many different levels, that it's impossible to find out where to start. Sympathy is the last feeling that one would feel for Sudhi who has developed a penchant of sorts to attract trouble. So when he gets pushed around, you would perhaps sigh and move on.

There aren't even a couple of decent one-liners in this film, forget the jokes that hit rock bottom. The punch lines are downright flat, the action fails to cause any excitement whatsoever, and the characters are wafer thin.

Almost all the contexts and the entire plot are ridiculous and truly preposterous. Most of what happens on screen doesn't really matter at all. I am unable to recall a single impressive sequence in the entire film, that's worth a mention in some way or the other.

Cinematography, editing, music, screenplay, art; tiny things as these go for a toss here.

Truly disastrous direction joins hands with an achingly incompetent script to give the cast a hell of a time in putting together several disjointed scraps into an incoherent messy whole.

The funniest thing about it would be that a few stars led by Jagadish actually agreed to star in it. After a bouncy comeback of sorts in Hairhar Nagar - 2, Jadish is back to square one. Decent Parties brings to mind several of those silly tight-budget films that the actor used to star in, back in the 90's, most of which had disappeared without a trace.

Decent Parties is a royally uninspiring comedy (assuming that it was aspiring to be one) that has literally little reason for existence. It's a living evidence as to how trying, slothful and pitiable movies can actually be.


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