Paribhavam Movie Review
What anybody who acted in Paribhavam did to deserve this particular movie isn't exactly clear. The same goes for the few odd heads out there like me who were caught taking a look at this one. All Paribhavam offers is an unfathomable plot filled with the sort of meaningless babble that gives cinema itself a bad name.
It's about some lass (Kripa) who heads back to Kerala after her parents were gunned down in the US. And here she develops a fascination for a mute boy (Abhilash) and soon moves into the city with him, amidst hostility from the locals regarding her public displays of affection.
That's pretty much most of what I gathered from what I saw, or rather slept through. The production values are shoddy, and the film looks like it has been shot under the shade throughout. Characters keep on mouthing lines long after the dubbing artistes have gone for a nap.
There is so much talk about the country bumpkin being the next best thing to a Greek God. No offence of course, but seriously I couldn't understand what all the ruckus was about. And with every woman out there going bonkers over the man, there seems something dead wrong with the air out there.
The narrative is so cluttered that even the actors can't seem to keep track of what exactly is meant to be happening. They rush about hither and thither looking dreadful in absurd costumes, blurting out the most atrocious of dialogues, hopping up and down all the while miserably trying to convince us that a choreographer is around, and weeping and wailing at whatever they are upset about.
I wouldn't be surprised if a gawky teenager with a faint idea as to how to hold a cam makes a better effort at filmmaking than this. This is what they call throwaway cinema, to be flushed clean from the mind as soon you get over it and thrown into not-to-be-reused cans straight away.
The most hilarious feature of this film is a production design so shockingly crazy that you will genuinely have no idea what you're watching for most of the time. The film is such a stinker that you would dearly wish you were stuck up with some cheesy video on Youtube instead.
So where do they cook up such repulsive stuff? Down some dark tavern that stinks like a trash pile, where movie making itself has become a joke. And its high time we get some padlocks on this one.