Kagaar Movie Review

Feature Film | 2003
Oct 22, 2003 By IANS

From the most searing pages of the police force comes the true story of a man who lived life in his own terms.

Culled from stunning real life incidents, this is a film that looks at the hitherto unexplored avenues of the personal life and mindset of a cop.

Uncompormisingly brutal, here is an awesome close-up of lives that are laid on the line, of men and women living on a double edged sword.

Dramatic and brooding, here is a film that shows it as it really is...the truth...very often starnger than fiction.

Kaagar is the story of one long night...a night of suspenseful wait for a prey...the hunter has waited this moment all his life and although he knows that at the end would be bloody and tragic, it is a call of duty he cannot ignore...and as the world celebrates New Year, and as his wife waits for him to get home, BHASKAR SARNAIK, the sub inspector who has killed 70 men in encounters waits for the biggest catch of them all...because Ali meant more than just a law breaker for him... Ali was his childhood friend from his village...Ali was the man who ignored Bhaskar's pleas to return to the village and lead a peaceful life... And as he waits, he goes back to the day he had set foot in the big wile urban city to look for his lost brother.

He recollects how he was enamoured by the power of the uniform and worked his way into the police force...how his wife had stars in her eyes before marriage becuase she was excited at the prospect of marrying a "hero" with a gun...how her initial euphoria give way to disillutionment and she learnt to live life without her husband in a modest one room-kitchen... how Ali's foolhardiness and his colleague's envy had outsted him temporarily from the force...how his period of suspension made him a drastically different human being...how nemesis had once again caught up with Ali and here he was waiting to trap him,,,or be killed himself...for a man whose every goodbye to his wife was considered the final goodbye, Bhaskar was fighting a battle whose end could go either way...will he see the dawn of the new year...??

KAGAAR is crafted to be the year's most significant and emotionally disturbing film...it has been designed by the best technicians in the business and aimed at international crirtical acclaim backed by exciting back office prospects.

It is 120 minutes of live wire cinema guranteed to excite, move and provoke...Kagaar is a film you simply cannot ignore.


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