Pellaindi Kani Movie Review

Feature Film | 2007
Oct 14, 2007 By Kishore

Pellaindi Kani is a bizarre story that's all about what happens between two bumps to the head of the main protagonist Attchi Babu (Allari Naresh). With the first bump, at the age of 10, he loses his mental balance. And again after 12 years he regains his sanity with another bump to his head. Do not know about other film industries, but such things still happen in Telugu cinema.

Attchi Babu is the son of a rich widow (Bhanupriya) and is heir to a vast property. His mother loves him dearly. In the hope that he would become normal, she arranges his marriage with the daughter (Kamalinee Mukherjee) of the village headmaster (Chandra Mohan) who is in need of money to get his heart operated. Bhanupriya knows that no sensible girl would ever wish to marry an abnormal person. Yet for the love of his son she arranges for the marriage. Kamalinee Mukhereje agrees for the marriage to save his father. She also hopes that someday Allari Naresh would become normal.

But Bhanupriya's brothers (Kota Srinivasa Rao and Krishna Bhagwan) are working overtime to finish off both the mother and son to acquire their vast property. Will they succeed? Will Attchi Babu father a child? Pellaindi Kani has the uninteresting answers.

Pellaindi Kani is a forgettable project of EVV. The man that has given so many comedy hits neither makes a comedy nor a tragedy of Pellaindi Kani. There is a severe draught of imagination. The movie doesn't appeal even to the low IQ audience.

Allari Naresh acts vaguely in a mentally challenged role. Sunil is cast in a good role. He is the friend and caretaker of Allari Naresh. His capabilities are not exploited in any way. Krishna Bhagwan's comic capabilities also lie unutilized. Kamalinee Mukherjee and Bhanupriya get some good scenes.

Naresh of Prema Qaidi fame gets better scope to emote than Allari Naresh. And he acts consummately; other that that there is not much in the movie to write about. The movie opened to a mostly empty theatre. The theatres wherever this movie is running will only get emptier in the coming few days. Hope EVV works hard on his next project and Allari Naresh to improve his acting skills.


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