Savi Savi Nenapu Movie Review

Feature Film | 2007
Aug 12, 2007 By RGV

'Savi Savi Nenapu' has been designed as a soft love story with a fresh concept. But this new experiment of director Santhosh Kumar Paathaaje utterly fails to make an impact with the audience because it is too slow.

'Savi Savi Nenapu' has the presence of young actor Prem, the current flavor of the Kannada audience acting in two roles. And there is glamorous Mallika Kapoor playing the lead for the first time in Kannada. Cinematography by Chandrashekar is brilliant. Couple of songs is melodious too.

'Savi Savi Nenapu' has a story revolving around a fresh thought of Heart transplantation. It is certainly an amazing additional content in a love story. Prem is a medical college student who is in love with his classmate Preethi. They get married. Prem loves his wife, but destiny plays wrong on his life. Prem loses his wife Preethi, but learns some years later that her heart has been transplanted to another young woman Pallavi who faces marriage problems. Pallavi's husband a look alike of Prem has left to London after a tiff with his wife. Prem does not want his wife's heart to suffer and weaves a plan to keep Pallavi happy.

The story is narrated through lot of flashbacks. But there are confusions and confusions galore, which are terribly frustrating to the audience. And there is very little relief in the form of comedy or other ingredients. The songs are shot well, but they do not jell with the story.

Prem is good as the frustrated lover. His three get ups make a difference. Mallika Kapoor looks good in her smiles, but it is newcomer Tejaswini who proves her mettle in an effective role. The character artists have filled the bill.

'Savi Savi Nenapu' is just an O.K. film, which could have been well narrated with a good pace and some good healthy commercial elements.


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