Pallaki Movie Review

Feature Film | 2007
May 4, 2007 By RGV

The success of Prem's two previous films 'Nenapirali' and 'Jothe Jotheyalli' had really made the film 'Pallakki' a hot property in the trade. The film was also hugely expected by a large number of younger fans who have now become addicted to the Prem bandwagon. The film has songs and some of the sequences which really fit into the requirements and expectations of these targeted audience. The film starts off well and midway generates a little hope, but in the end it is certain to be one more predictable film with the stereotyped narration. But the film despite its predictable sequences is saved by nicely shot songs and music of Guru Kiran. And cinematographer Mahesh Thalakaadu who debuts through this film has delivered his best to prove his talents.

Director Narendra Babu had a good story in hand, but unfortunately he does not create a right script. The film unfolds in stereotyped fashion and you can well predict even the dialogues in a few sequences. It looks he has concentrated more on presenting strong visuals in the songs, and some of the emotional sequences in the second half lack the necessary impact, mainly because of a weak handling of the director.

'Pallakki' revolves around an irresponsible and careless youngster Lakshmi who does not care his parents so much as his own friends. For him obtaining the approval of his lady love is all the more important than achieving something big in life. He loves Prarthana, but she rejects his love after many interactions with him. She also makes him understand the reality of life. Lakshmi realizes his mistakes and tries to involve himself seriously in his father's business. He shows dedication and works hard to achieve success, but all these things he does only to save his love. But finally he understands that his lover is already engaged. What happens later forms the rest of the story.

The film moves in a steady pace throughout and the director does not like to pace the proceedings even if the situation demands it. Prem is his handsome self throughout the film. He really rocks in the song sequences. Rumanithu looks fatter and is a mismatch for a lean and fit Prem. Sharan and Bullet Prakash score in the comedy sequences in the first.

As earlier said Mahesh Thalakaadu and music director Guru Kiran have moments of brilliance in the film. Two songs of the film really rock.

Pallakki may appeal younger audience mainly because of Prem's appeal among youngsters.


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