Pagale Vennela Movie Review

Feature Film | 2007
Jan 31, 2007 By Kishore

C V Reddy conceived this movie five years ago and narrated the story to Saundarya. Saundarya, the then reigning queen of the southern film industry was so excited with the story that she wanted to direct it. But a tragic accident snatched her away from all leaving C V Reddy to direct the movie. C V Reddy writes, directs, and produces the movie in memory of Saundarya. This is a great gesture from a movie maker. But there is nothing great about the movie.

Balu (Shivabalaji) is in search of a decent girl to love and marry. His search ends with Swapna (Mythili). He meets Swapna in a temple and gets bowled over by her looks (but we don't). After going through the routine ritual of denial and reprisal from the girl Balu finally wins her heart. Balu bashes up a guy trying to throw acid on a girl because the girl turns down his love. This happens in Swapna's presence. In a typically filmy fashion Swapna makes a 'U' turn and starts adoring Balu. They finally marry. Balu has long been planning to go on a honeymoon. He saves regularly for that in a bank. The bank closes down taking down the deposits of thousands of people, along with Balu's hard earned money. Will Balu and Swapna go on a honeymoon now? Find out in Pagale vennela.

The comedy track separately directed by Relangi Narasimha Rao is partly brilliant and partly outlandish. The Chinese get up of M S Narayana as a psychiatrist is outlandish. Brahmanandam and Kovai Sarala comedy track looks like an old wine in a new bottle. While the row between Sunil and Mada Venkateshawara Rao is side splitting the demotion of a DSP as a result of the plotting of Dharmavarpu is hilarious.

The acting of Shivabalaji is nothing to rave about. Mythili fails to impress both in the looks and acting department. It's because of the comedy track one could sit through the movie.

Ah, yes, C V Reddy does a mini K C Bokadia stuff. A dog is there in the movie doing things like bringing tea and switching on TV. Yet the movie doesn't work.


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