My Super Ex-Girlfriend Movie Review

Feature Film | 2006 | Action, Romantic, Comedy, Adventure
Sep 3, 2006 By Subhash K. Jha

I can see exactly how this 'proposal' project must have been born. "Guys, Uma Thurman was such a fantastic blast action heroine in 'Kill Bill'. Let's cast her as a super-girl in a date movie."

Having got that in place director Ivan Reitman, who specialises in films like "Ghostbusters", "Dave And Kindergarten Cop" that place ordinary people in extraordinary postures of fantasy-induced adventure, goes about making an ostensibly brain-dead comic romance into a goofy and enjoyable comedy of terrors.

In the film, the spurned date (Thurman) uses her superpowers to teach her errant boyfriend (Luke Wilson) lessons in anger mismanagement.

This seemingly asinine date movie is cleverer than it seems to be -- the plot turns the "Basic Instinct" premise on its head. The obsessive woman is akin to Glenn Close but far funnier since she moonlights as supergirl.

Alternating between saving the world from sundry missiles and saving her heart from shattering into pieces, Thurman goes from the ridiculous to the sublime all in one long shot.

She is a delight to behold if not quite a pleasure for her petrified boyfriend to hold.

See the film to watch an enormously skilled actress fitting into modes of outrageously inventive pedestrian situations.

You can't call "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" anything more than an oddball take on the old adage, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." But this is nonetheless an enjoyable scorn job.

Subhash K. Jha

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