Kizhakku Kadarkarai Salai Movie Review

Feature Film | 2006 | Drama, Action, Romantic
Nov 11, 2006 By Rajaraman.R

R.S.Ananthan has produced a movie with the love affair of a duo as the theme and aims to catch the attention of the youngsters. Director, S.S.Stanley, has paired up with hero Srikanth for the third time.

The story revolves around the hero Ganesh, who works in a Petrol Station on the ECR Road, between Chennai and Pondicherry. He has a tiff with the cute college going girl, Priya, who belongs to the elite class in the City. Ganesh is stirred up by the insult that highlights the status difference between himself and Priya and takes up the challenge of making the girl fall for him.

What follows is a series of acts by Ganesh, in order to attract Priya. Irritated by the silly and funny activities of Ganesh, Priya complains to her brother, GRK, who is a leading criminal lawyer in the City. GRK, is a man, with an eccentric ego, who can go to any extent to keep up his status. He is also a man who will pay any price to keep winning. He has earlier had a small quarrel with Ganesh and is already nursing a grudge against him. So he gives Ganesh a hard time with the help of henchmen and the Police.

To escape from the silly scenes created by the adamant Ganesh in the College and to prevent her brother from injuring Ganesh, Priya accepts unwillingly to meet him everyday. The meetings throw light on the character of Ganesh as a confident young man who wants to achieve something. It also brings to the fore the grief and sorrow, he carries deep within him in reverence for his lovely family. Moved by the persona of Ganesh, Priya expresses her love for him. After an initial pitall, their love develops strongly. Priya, informs her brother of her love for Ganesh. The Criminal lawyer plots the separation of the couple and goes to the extremes to have his say.

How the couple overcome the murderous attempts and gets united form the rest of the narration. A trim and fit Srikanth is vibrant and youthful. He fits the character neatly. Bhavana is cute and charming and has some scope to perform. Suresh is good as an egoistic and crooked criminal lawyer. The friends of the hero create some ripples now and then with their comic activities.

The music is ample and has two numbers that may go well with the audience. The camera work is good and helps sustain the good feeling. The editing is crisp and doesn’t allow any extra baggage. Even though the Director has tried hard to work a presentable potion, the end result is not so lip smacking for the audience. The screenplay and narration lacks spice, verve and conviction.

Srikanth has to take extra care selecting movies, otherwise, all his talents and hard work may not fetch him the desired results.


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