Detective Ujjwalan Malayalam Movie

Detective Ujjwalan Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | Drama

Detective Ujjwalan is an upcoming Indian movie directed by Indraneel Gopikrishnan and Rahul G starring Dhyan Sreenivasan, Siju Wilson, Kottayam Nazeer and Seema G. Nair. The feature film is produced by Sofia Paul and the music composed by Rameez RC.
Current Status: Filming
Release Info:
April 14 2025 (India)   
Language: Malayalam
Directors: Indraneel Gopikrishnan, Rahul G

Cast & Crew Details:
Dhyan Sreenivasan in Detective Ujjwalan Dhyan Sreenivasan
Siju Wilson in Detective Ujjwalan Siju Wilson
Kottayam Nazeer in Detective Ujjwalan Kottayam Nazeer
Seema G. Nair in Detective Ujjwalan Seema G. Nair
Ronnie David Raj in Detective Ujjwalan Ronnie David Raj

Directors: Indraneel Gopikrishnan, Rahul G
Producer: Sofia Paul
Music Director: Rameez RC
Cinematographer: Prem Akkatu
Editor: Chaman Chacko
Art Designer: M Koyas