Party Movie Review
Making a comedy movie is no easy job. We have said this earlier and it gets reaffirmed every time a comedy movie falls flat on its face. If you expect a ‘paaaarty’ watching ‘Party’, forget it. Rather be prepared for occasional funny scenes interspersed with long and boring scenes which try hard to make you laugh and fail miserably. The scenes are so gaudy that you feel like getting choked with the riot of color. The costume is utterly unimaginative and bland.
Who is to be blamed? The director and the director alone. The actors who were part of the cast are all capable of giving good performances. Brahmanandam is a master of his craft and needs no director to tell him how to do it. Allari Naresh has good comedy timing and a repertoire of comic expressions to compliment his acting. Sashank has proved his ability as an actor in ‘Anagaanaga Oka Roju’. Some scenes in the movie even evoke roars of laughter. So what was lacking? To start with, the director has utilized none of the actor’s potential. The inability of Ravi Babu to create a coherent story line and the slipshod direction has brought the movie down. The absence of a well-conceived plot and piecing of the scenes together added to the woe further. For example: the two leading characters have the sole goal of arranging one crore in a month’s time. But the plot loses focus by the idea of one character’s aim of working in a multinational company, wearing good clothes and having a girl friend in tow.
And of course the costumes were so bad in Party that they all looked like uniformed factory workers. The colors used on the sets were so loud that they were silencing what the characters were saying to some extent.
The opening scene in the movie was a brilliant idea probably lifted from the book – ‘Five Point Something: What Not to Do in an IIT’ by Chetan Bhagat. Still the idea of the main characters getting kicked out of the institution on the charges of breaking into the principal’s office and stealing the question papers, as well as it’s picturization is hilarious. But such a potent opening is wasted away by the director’s lack of imagination. The scene though inherently funny fails to make a big impact. A little more attention to the details and proper comic timing could have set the standard of comedy a little higher. This did not happen, thereby letting down the expectation of the audience who come prepared to laugh.
Having said that the movie fails to impress, it would be unfair if the good parts of the movie are not discussed. The name of the IT Company run by Bahmanandam is ‘Underware’. So every time the company gets mentioned it creates laughter. The way Brahmanadam admonishes a professional killer also is hilarious.
The bottom line: there are occasional moments of laughter in this movie and it’s not a rib-tickling comedy. Watch Party with a very low expectation.