7 O Clock Movie Review

Feature Film | 2006
Jan 20, 2006 By RGV

At one stroke 7'O Clock can be dismissed as a boring film except for the last twenty minutes. But style of script, it has to be discussed in length. Ultimately the viewer will determine the strength of the film by the way it engages him for the whole 150 minutes and this one issue may play a major role in restricting the films box office appeal. The films huge publicity hype in the media notwithstanding, it ends up as a film that is only good in parts and below average than others.

One thing that has to be admitted is that the film has lot of first timers in the crew including director Santhosh Rai Pathaje and cameraman Chandrashekhar who are still working in the creative wing of Ad agencies in Mumbai. Despite having a high percentage of new comers in the crew, a degree of professionalism could be seen in making of this film. Producer Suresh needs to be congratulated for his courage to make the film with new comers. But he should have taken extra care only because the story of this film is not new and already been in commercial hits like Beladingala Baale and Yaare Neenu Cheluve.

The main problem of the film is the slow narration in the entire first half. The pace is uneven in the second half, but the tempo picks up only in the last few sequences. There should have been checks and balances in the form of some entertainment for the viewers. Director Santhosh Rai Pathaje should have used the comedy sequences of the film to a good effect, but unfortunately they turn out ordinary. His inexperience and inconsistency is the main negative factor. The film story needed a tighter narration throughout the film.

The story of the film is narrated in too many flash backs and intercuts. Rahul is a painter who gets a call exactly at 7 in the morning. Neetu a medical student along with his sister play pranks on some unsuspecting people and Rahul becomes their victim as such. But in due course of time and many calls, there will be a bond that builds up between the duo, despite both of them not knowing the identity of the other. One occasion, Neetu calls Rahul to Goa with a promise that she would reveal her identity. Then the film takes many twists and turns after which there will be a happy ending. Rahul will be able to find his unidentified lover during his engagement with another girl.

Audience need lot of patience to watch this narration which has several twists. The director would have done well present the film with a good package.

Mithun Tejaswi plays the role of Rahul and he has worked hard in emotional sequences. Mumbai based Pooja looks glamorous in song sequences, but she has to learn a lot. Komal's comedy evokes laughter in many sequences. Sharan, Ramakrishna, Bhavya have put in good efforts. It is a well performed film. Music Director Madhukar is just passable and he would do well to learn a few things from his mentor R.P.Patnayak. Chandrashekhar's camera work passes muster.


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