Evandoi Srivaru Telugu Movie

Feature Film | 2006
Jan 9, 2006 By Kishore

Many times, after the movie is over, you might have come out of the theatre disappointed at the limited comedy in the movie and with a yearning to watch more of your favorite comedians. And few times you also must have laughed so much that your belly ached at the end of the movie. Evandoi Sreevaru with unlimited comedy belongs to the later category of movies. The movie is all about endorphins and less about adrenalin.

When most film directors cannot think beyond blood shot eyes, swords, axes, fights, factionalism and ketch up, there are a breed of directors like E. Satti Babu who just give clean entertainment with tons of joke. Sreekanth is a star who loves to be a part of such camps and has consistently given modest hit films that do not celebrate blood and gore as much as mirth and laughter, apart from love. When directors don’t think twice before giving six lines, a few slaps and absolutely insignificant roles to the comedians there are directors who trust in the ability of the comedians to carry a film forward and assign them roles that bring out their hidden talents. The talented comedians reciprocate gratefully by giving their best and a chance to the viewers to experience their full repertoire of acting abilities. For instance, in Pournami the comedian Dharmavarapu Subramanyam gets exactly six lines. In the movie Evandoi Sreevaru, Dharmavarapu who is a comedian par excellence has several scenes centering on him. He along with another comedian Krishna Bhagwan brings the house down with their physical problems of hearing difficulty and night blindness respectively. Evandoi Sreevaru also has M S Narayana, Venu Madhab and Rama Prabha. Add to that the comedy of Sunil who looks funny when he is joking and funnier when he is being serious, and you have a riot of a movie. Sreekant and Sneha also join the party occasionally.

Only the audience stands to gain with a profuse secretion of endorphins watching Evandoi Sreevaru.

Comedy is given so much of importance in Evandoi Sreevaru that the director purposely mixes comedy scenes when the movie gets heavier with emotions (i.e. when Sunil cries). All the cast have done their bit to give a thoroughly entertaining movie. Sarath Babu takes a hiatus from his TV acting and portrays the character of a father to perfection. So much so that not a single twitch in his face is out of place during any of the scenes that he faces the camera.

From the beginning of the film where all the characters that are residents of an apartment are introduced, to the end, not a single scene fails to entertain. Only the songs are average. Otherwise Evandoi Sreevaru is a laugh riot and a thorough entertainer. If the love and dance scenes of M S Narayana and Ramaprabha are a scream, the dilemma of Sarath Babu is grave. With love, romance, tragedy and laughter this movie is a potpourri of scenes that is definitely enjoyable.


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