Number 9 Hindi Movie

Number 9 Hindi Movie

Feature Film | 2020

Number 9 is a 2020 Indian movie directed by Priyanka Jasani starring Aishi Sarkar and Uday Pratap Singh . The feature film is produced by Sushobhan Sarkar and the music composed by Archan Bhattacharya.

Release Info:
December 18 2020 (India)   
Language: Hindi
Director: Priyanka Jasani
Cast: Aishi Sarkar, Uday Pratap Singh

The family of a young girl, Aishi, is very worried about her marriage. An astrologer has told them that her birth date is scattered with the number 9 and this is causing undue delays in her marriage. She needs an Astro remedy to find love! Soon, Aishi meets a young man, Artav, in her office, and the two fall in love. But can the powerful planet Mars be conquered so easily? Can Aishi ever find true love?...

Cast & Crew Details:
Aishi Sarkar in Number 9 Aishi Sarkar
Uday Pratap Singh  in Number 9 Uday Pratap Singh

Director: Priyanka Jasani
Producer: Sushobhan Sarkar
Music Director: Archan Bhattacharya
Cinematographer: Ankit Sengupta