The Informer English Movie

The Informer English Movie

Feature Film | 2020 | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 1h 53min

The Informer is a 2020 English movie directed by Andrea Di Stefano starring Joel Kinnaman, Rosamund Pike, Clive Owen and Common. Music for the Movie is composed by Brooke Blair and Will Blair.

Release Info:
January 3 2020 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Andrea Di Stefano


An ex-convict working undercover intentionally gets himself incarcerated again in order to infiltrate the mob at a maximum security prison.

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Cast & Crew Details:
Joel Kinnaman in The Informer Joel Kinnaman
Rosamund Pike in The Informer Rosamund Pike
Clive Owen in The Informer Clive Owen
Common in The Informer Common
Ana de Armas in The Informer Ana de Armas
Sam Spruell in The Informer Sam Spruell

Director: Andrea Di Stefano
Music Directors: Brooke Blair, Will Blair
Cinematographer: Daniel Katz
Editor: Job ter Burg
Screenplay Writers: Matt Cook, Rowan Joffe, Andrea Di Stefano