Kasak Movie Review

Feature Film | 2005
Aug 24, 2005 By Subhash K. Jha

You have to give this film some credit for guts. No style, no substance and zero star power...And yet it carries a flamboyant flag for that frisky female fantasia known as the wanton woman.

Like Bipasha Basu in "Jism" and Priyanka Chopra in the recent fiasco "Yakeen", Meera cares only about money, honey!

'Honey' Lucky Ali is a male nurse who gets battered mom Vinita Malik's millions after he nurses her back to health from a coma. Wish there was someone to nurse the narration back to health. Alas the scriptwriter seems to have gone on a long holiday after giving the director a skeletal plot line.

But this, you've got to see. Enter Lucky's nursing colleague, Pakistani actress Meera, who seduces him on a set that looks like Karan Johar's nightmare. Writhing desperately to an undeservingly dulcet M.M. Kreem song, Meera gets Lucky.

Alas we don't...not even for a second, as this atrociously packaged film slithers downhill at an alarming rate.

To the writer's credit he has picked up the core of his idea from a foreign source, Krzysztof Kieslowsky's "White", and tried to turn the twisted tale into a musical drama.

Also to Lucky Ali's credit, he plays a very unusual hero - a male nurse who's naïve and completely besotted by a thoroughly undeserving immoral woman who sleeps with any man who can buy her worldly goods, and who publicly accuses her husband of impotency.

"I'm not impotent. I'm just a bit slow," whines Lucky.

"Kasak" is the kind of misfire that leaves you exasperated and angry. Who on earth would want to spend two hours and more watching a loser get back his life.

While the downslide in the first half is a trifle interesting, the protagonist's revival in the second half is so garbled and senseless you want to give the director a crash course in the basic elements of filmmaking, including how to hold the audiences' attention, and how to film a seduction song with a stripped-down starlet.

Sadly director Rajiv Babbar is clueless. He jumps from one level of despair to another leaving the scenes looking like half-baked dishes with not enough garnish to keep the guests from losing their temper.

No component in this zonked-out jigsaw fits. Only M.M. Kreem's soulful songs rise to a crescendo. As for the two principal actors, Lucky Ali looks troubled enough to pass off as a cuckolded idiot.

But Meera? Good god! Who told her she could be an actress, let alone a sexy actress.

Subhash K. Jha

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