Kalathil Santhippom Tamil Movie
The story revolves around two friends, who have contrasting personalities. One of them is a care-free person who doesn't believe in falling in love, the latter is short-tempered and is yet to come to terms with heartbreak. They work in a finance company and are professional kabaddi players as well. The movie narrates about their sport, their friendship bond, and their families.
Jiiva | ||
Arulnithi | ||
Manjima Mohan | ||
Priya Bhavani Shankar |
Director: N Rajasekar
Production Company: Super Good Films
Music Director: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Song Lyrics Writers: Pa. Vijay, Viveka
Cinematographer: Abinandhan Ramanujam
Editor: Dinesh Ponraj
Art Designer: M .Murugan
Action Choregrapher: Pradeep
Song Choregrapher: Raju Sundaram