The Mule English Movie

The Mule English Movie

Feature Film | 2019 | Crime

The Mule is a 2019 English movie directed by Clint Eastwood starring Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Laurence Fishburne and Michael Peña. The feature film is produced by Clint Eastwood, Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas and Tim Moore

A 90-year-old horticulturist and WWII veteran is caught transporting $3 million worth of cocaine through Michigan for a Mexican drug cartel.

Release Info:
January 4 2019 (India)   
Language: English
Director: Clint Eastwood

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Cast & Crew Details:
Clint Eastwood in The Mule Clint Eastwood
Bradley Cooper in The Mule Bradley Cooper
Laurence Fishburne in The Mule Laurence Fishburne
Michael Peña in The Mule Michael Peña
Dianne Wiest in The Mule Dianne Wiest
Andy Garcia in The Mule Andy Garcia
Alison Eastwood in The Mule Alison Eastwood
Taissa Farmiga in The Mule Taissa Farmiga

Director: Clint Eastwood
Producers: Clint Eastwood, Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Tim Moore, Kristina Rivera, Jessica Meier
Production Company: Warner Bros
Cinematographer: Yves Bélanger
Editor: Joel Cox