Wonder Park English Movie
Feature Film | 2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Wonder Park is a 2019 English animation movie directed by David Feiss with voice performances by Brianna Denski, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell and Kenan Thompson. The feature film is produced by Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec and Kendra Haaland and the music composed by Steven Price.
A story of a girl, some animals, and a magic amusement park.
Cast & Crew Details:
Brianna Denski | Voice | |
Jennifer Garner | Voice | |
Ken Hudson Campbell | Voice | |
Kenan Thompson | Voice | |
Mila Kunis | Voice | |
John Oliver | Voice | |
Ken Jeong | Voice | |
Norbert Leo Butz | Voice | |
Matthew Broderick | Voice |
Director: David Feiss
Producers: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec, Kendra Haaland
Production Company: Paramount Pictures
Music Director: Steven Price
Cinematographer: Juan García Gonzalez
Editor: Edie Ichioka
Screenplay Writers: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec
Original Story Writers: Robert Gordon, Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec