Theetta Rappai Malayalam Movie Review

Theetta Rappai Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | 2018
Portrayal of a real life character in 'Theetta Rappai,' who has a peculiar disorder, is a botched up attempt and deeply dull. This film turns out to be plotless and formless as not enough has been done on the script.
Jul 8, 2018 By K. R. Rejeesh

The curiosity is immense while watching an interesting real life character on screen. With a tepid screenplay and disappointing treatment, director Winu Ramakrishnan bungles the illuminating real life subject. The film neither neatly presents the personality of Rappai nor a story that sums up his struggles and conflicts in life.

"Theetta Rappai" is set in a village in Thrissur and RLV Ramakrishnan plays the eponymous character, who used to eat enormous quantities of food. This rare condition makes him hungry all the time. Rappai loves Kochuthresia (Sonia Agarwal) but his peculiar condition prevents him from expressing his crush on her. He intervenes when Kochuthresia and her sisters are harassed by local goons led by Karim Seth (Harish Peradi). This confrontation leads to bad consequences in his life.

Of course, story of "Theetta Rappai" is not complete sans any eating competitions since he became popular in Kerala through such competitions. But these scenes fail to fulfil the purpose intended by the director. The emotional rapport between Rappai and his stepmother (KPAC Lalitha) has been conceived with a clear focus, helping the plot generate empathy from the audience.

Sonia Agarwal has given a subtle performance convincingly. When Rappai turns out to be the saviour for her and sisters, the intuition of the impending sentiments wraps you fully. RLV Ramakrishnan partially achieves the mission of the portrayal of the protagonist. The familiar mien of Rappai seems to be a misfit garb for Ramakrishnan.

It's hard to gobble up the sentimental drama that happens in the hero's life only because Winu has adopted a conventional emotional format to evoke empathy. In most parts, the film implies that it is turning out to be plotless and formless as not enough has been done on the script.

"Theetta Rappai" is a passable affair resulting in from a slipshod attempt, including in technical departments. In fact, the portrayal of a real life character like Theetta Rappai on screen deserves a better approach than an ordinary attempt.

K. R. Rejeesh

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