The Little Terrorist Hindi Short Film
Short Film | 2005 | Drama
The Little Terrorist is a 2005 Indian short film directed by Ashvin Kumar starring Julfuqar Ali, Sushil Sharma and Megnaa Mehtaa. The short film is produced by Sarah Tierney and the music composed by Nainita Desai.
A tender fondness blossoms between Noor (16) and Majid (16) who get lost searching for their fathers’ who ‘disappeared’ decades ago. They spend the night in the woods and wake in a mass grave among piles of bones and skulls of ‘disappeared’ men and the horrific realization that their fathers’ are among them.
Cast & Crew Details:
Julfuqar Ali | ||
Sushil Sharma | ||
Megnaa Mehtaa |
Director: Ashvin Kumar
Producer: Sarah Tierney
Music Director: Nainita Desai
Editor: Ashvin Kumar
Screenplay Writer: Ashvin Kumar
Original Story Writer: Ashvin Kumar