Black Coffee Bengali Movie Review

Black Coffee Bengali Movie

Feature Film | 2017 | A | Drama
Black Coffee is a film about a director and his relationships, his dilemma, his creativity and his war with his own self. Even powerful actors like Saswata or Paoli could not save the film from apocalypse!
Feb 18, 2017 By Rwita Dutta

The condition of Bengali film industry is so dismal that they just don't mind picking up classic novels, classic films and turn such remarkable plots into ashes. Black Coffee is just another addition to that practice. Straightaway taken from the cult film of the 80's Mahesh Bhatt's personal drama "Arth", the director makes a kind of melodrama with too loud acting and too pale a script.

Tirtharaj Roy( Played by Saswata Chattopadyay),a brilliant director with seven national awards in his kitty has a lovely housewife Molly Roy(Debutant Doel Dhar)and an assistant director cum fellow mate Praloy(Badshah Moitra) and a muse Sraboni Sen(Paoli Dam). A love triangle begins to show its colour and the Director, confused, emotionally shattered, swings like pendulum between his wife and his muse. The wife is too innocent to understand the chasm and Paoli is too stubborn to win her mentor permanently.

Tirtharaj after prolong moral dilemma choose to leave his wife with a sting in his moral conscience. He keeps on coming back to his wife who is an orphan. She is devastated, goes back to her roots in Kalimpong, meets her long last friend yet chooses to remain faithful to her estranged husband. Upon chance meeting with her husband and his mistress, Paoli, she utters dialogues straight taken from "Arth" which never draws sympathy but appears humorous instead.

Then comes the twist, the ace director goes missing. He takes a sojourn in the hills, reminisces from her early days comes alive, he writes and utters incessant poems, writes his last script and commits suicide. Seems pretty unconvincing though, the director caught in a maze of relationships could not find solace in his creativity. He behaves like an ordinary middle class being, and nobody understand s how he can be a great director!!

Camera is done by Supriyo Dutta and nothing commendable is found in that section. Sanjib Dutta, the editor has added nothing in the craft. Music by Anupam Roy is as usual monotonous and out of place. It fails to heighten the spirit of the film. The script is not original, neither has any merit in it.

Even powerful actors like Saswata or Paoli could not save the film from apocalypse!

Rwita Dutta

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