The Lego Ninjago Movie English Movie
Feature Film | 2017 | Animation, Comedy
The Lego Ninjago Movie is a 2017 English animation movie directed by Charlie Bean with voice performances by Dave Franco, Olivia Munn, Jackie Chan and Justin Theroux. The feature film is produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
Cast & Crew Details:
Dave Franco | Voice | |
Olivia Munn | Voice | |
Jackie Chan | Voice | |
Justin Theroux | Voice | |
Michael Peña | Voice | |
Zach Woods | Voice | |
Fred Armisen | Voice | |
Abbi Jacobson | Voice | |
Kumail Nanjiani | Voice |
Director: Charlie Bean
Producers: Dan Lin, Roy Lee, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Editor: Julie Rogers
Art Designer: Felicity Coonan
Screenplay Writers: Hilary Winston, Bob Logan, Paul Fisher
Original Story Writers: Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman, Hilary Winston, Bob Logan, Bryan Shukoff