Coco English Movie
Coco is a 2017 English animation movie directed by Lee Unkrich with voice performances by Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt and Renée Victor. The feature film is produced by Darla K. Anderson and the music composed by Michael Giacchino.
Coco follows a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who sets off a chain of events relating to a century-old mystery, leading to an extraordinary family reunion.
Cast & Crew Details:
Anthony Gonzalez | Voice | |
Gael García Bernal | Voice | |
Benjamin Bratt | Voice | |
Renée Victor | Voice | |
Alanna Ubach | Voice | |
Alfonso Arau | Voice | |
Selene Luna | Voice | |
Jaime Camil | Voice | |
Sofía Espinosa | Voice | |
Edward James Olmos | Voice |
Director: Lee Unkrich
Producer: Darla K. Anderson
Production Company: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Music Director: Michael Giacchino
Cinematographers: Matt Aspbury, Danielle Feinberg
Editors: Steve Bloom, Lee Unkrich
Screenplay Writer: Adrian Molina
Original Story Writers: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina