Sakhiya Movie Review

Feature Film | 2004
Dec 10, 2004 By B.Anuradha

After directing two remakes, Jayanth seems to have lost his touch with a "straight" film.

His latest offering "Sakhiya", a youthful Telugu love story, neither has a valid plot nor any engrossing treatment. It has little to offer except picturesque Swiss locales.

Tarun, who has put on weight, plays a routine lover-boy role, while new girl Nauheed displays more skin than talent.

Agreed that love stories require good music, but here we have an overdose of it. At least two numbers clearly disturb the mood in the second half.

Producers have spent lavishly, but extravagance does not guarantee entertainment.

Tarun has been doing such roles for long and his films now give viewers a déjà vu feeling. It was high time he started taking up something new. Playing a well-dressed guy who falls in love and wins it after two-and-a-half hours is no longer a safe bet.

Jayanth definitely fails to impress. Loopholes mark his screenplay. His hope to make a winner out of a contrived plot is too optimistic.

He deserves a pat however for some picture-perfect visuals.


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