Sing English Movie
Sing is a 2016 English animation movie directed by Garth Jennings with voice performances by Scarlett Johansson, Matthew McConaughey, Taron Egerton and Nick Kroll. The feature film is produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy and the music composed by Joby Talbot.
A koala, who presides over a once-grand theatre that has fallen on hard times, decides to regain the glory by producing the world’s greatest singing competition.
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Cast & Crew Details:
Scarlett Johansson | Voice | |
Matthew McConaughey | Voice | |
Taron Egerton | Voice | |
Nick Kroll | Voice | |
Reese Witherspoon | Voice | |
Nick Offerman | Voice | |
Leslie Jones | Voice | |
Seth MacFarlane | Voice | |
John C. Reilly | Voice | |
Jennifer Saunders | Voice | |
Peter Serafinowicz | Voice | |
Beck Bennett | Voice | |
Jay Pharoah | Voice | |
Asher Blinkoff | Voice | |
Jen Faith Brown |
Director: Garth Jennings
Producers: Chris Meledandri, Janet Healy
Production Company: Universal Pictures
Music Director: Joby Talbot
Editor: Gregory Perler
Art Designer: François Moret
Original Story Writer: Garth Jennings
Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon join Matthew McConaughey in animated comedy 'Sing' - Nov 12, 2015 |