You Too Brutus Malayalam Movie Review

You Too Brutus Malayalam Movie

Feature Film | 2015
'You Too Brutus' is a bewildering film that fails to create something memorable or meaningful, and at best is a plodding assemblage of characters who thrash about in a clumsy gloop. And it never manages to go quite far either, in any direction whatsoever.
Mar 22, 2015 By Veeyen

A few perplexed men and women who appear as grownups, and who yet confound you with their infantile behaviour is what Roopesh Peethambaran's 'You Too Brutus' is all about. Apparently intending to be a film on the brittle relationships of the day, 'You Too Brutus' proclaims that deceit rules the world.

Abhi (Asif Ali) has got married to Aparna (Rachna Narayanankutty), much against the advice of his elder brother Hari (Sreenivasan). Vicky (Anu Mohan) nurtures hopes of getting married to his girl friend, while Shirly (Honey Rose) dreams of making it big in showbiz some day. Arun (Ahmed Siddique) makes his underage girlfriend Diya (Ena Saaha) elope with him, while Unni (Sudhi Koppa) seeks Tovino's (Tovino Thomas) advice on setting up a chiselled body and a bit more.

The surprise that 'You Too Brutus' has in store for you is that there is no story in sight anywhere around. Yes, and that remains the case, even after the film has ended, and all it could be said of the tale that the film has been dwelling on is that nothing much has transpired over the last couple of hours.

The characters in it however do undergo a transformation of sorts. There are split ups galore, infidelity in abundance and what not. What isn't there is the fundamental yarn that would weave them all together into a believable narrative that doesn't merely bank on one daft joke after the other to keep things going.

Let's keep the slack laughter aside, and take one hard look at the premise. It really isn't clear to me as to why all these guys have stuck around Hari at his place, and if he was running a men's hostel of sorts. Likewise, the loose ends that lie here and there need to be tied up once and for all, and 'You Too Brutus' could have appeared a bit more coherent, if not anything else.

Of the lot, the only one character that leaves a smile on your face is Tovino, who with an almost impish charm brings in a rare blend of the Greek god looks and a hideously dim conduct. He does bring the house down on a couple of occasions at least, taking narcissism to a whole new hilarious level.

Almost every character in the film tends to be impulsive, be it the cigarette hater Aparna or the easily floored Abhi, the flickering Diya who cannot make up her mind or the imprudent Arun who regrets having made up his mind. Perhaps this is the only insight that 'You Too Brutus' has on offer; nothing more, nothing less.

There a whole lot of actors here, and everyone has done a commendable job, though I would pick out three from the lot - Honey Rose, for proving time and again that she is a dependable performer who is yet to get her share, Tovino Thomas for being simply terrific and Sudhi Koppa for lurking around, never for a moment letting us disregard his almost silent presence.

'You Too Brutus' is a bewildering film that fails to create something memorable or meaningful, and at best is a plodding assemblage of characters who thrash about in a clumsy gloop. And it never manages to go quite far either, in any direction whatsoever.


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