Kashi Katha Bengali Movie Review

Kashi Katha Movie Review

Feature Film | 2014 | U
Khasi Katha explores the cruelty, difficulty and the sombre society through humour. The narrative born from the goat's storytelling is exciting, innocent and too real. A genuine film for all age groups, and promises to send everyone home with enough take away.
Jun 4, 2014 By Anurima Das

Thanks to several literary fictions and our imagination, we have by now learnt to accept the trend of talking animals. The creatures who silently witness everything and keep incidents treasured. Maybe their lack of communication with the selfish mankind, donates them some sanity and peace. But what if a goat blah's true stories to a butcher just at the moment when he is about to be chopped into pieces? Do not let your mind run wild. The goat is the protagonist of Judhajit Sarkar's Khasi Katha.

The story narrates the struggle of two siblings - Parvez (Prasun Gyne) and Salma (Anindita Bose), who are ready to achieve a career and make a life of their own, after their father loses a job. It's about how Parvez goes the criminal way, while Salma takes up boxing for her personal satisfaction. Amidst the speaking goat, the voice of the innocent animal. The reality and the dreams of the characters come out quite satisfactorily and melt together to make khasi katha a script per excellence. The voice of Kanchan Mallick as the innocent goat comes out quite remarkably and cuts a mark even though there are too much human cacophony in the film.

The actors are worth mentioning. Even though the storyline excites but cant reach the highest rhythmic order, but the acting cements the film and at times makes us wonder what could we have missed if the acting was not of this level. Excellent cast selection and appropriate role delivery by each actor including Naseeruddin Shah. Anindita Bose deserves a special mention in her role as the boxer. What wonderful portrayal of innocence within the hard shell.

To summarise, the narrative born from the goat's storytelling is exciting, innocent and too real. A genuine film for all age groups, and promises to send everyone home with enough take away. A must watch for all who are part of the unreal times, to get a feel of the reality. To understand the tough times with a natural positivity.

Anurima Das

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