The Royal Bengal Tiger Bengali Movie Review

The Royal Bengal Tiger Bengali Movie Review

Feature Film | 2014
The Royal Bengal Tiger is a take on the ordinary everyday lives of the ordinary man. But the film is a must watch for the sheer joy of watching Abir Chatterjee and Jeet sharing a common screen space.
Feb 2, 2014 By Anurima

Director Rajesh Ganguly's The Royal Bengal Tiger is a film is an ordinary film about an equally ordinary man and his everyday. Yet it is this man's role reversal to becoming extraordinary that becomes the main narrative of the film. The ordinary man, the general citizen lives a most ordinary life. His everyday remains ordinary and mundane but stable. It is this life that looks too ordinary yet normal from the outside.

Abhirup (Abir Chatterjee) is this ordinary man, who has an ordinary family. A loving wife, a sorted life, a son and of course an everyday professional life. What he lacks is of course the imperfectness. Too much of perfectness makes him weak and forces him to live a life sans extraordinary. He lives with sorrows within, as his normal life does not allow him to raise his voice. He surrenders to problems and sacrifices anger to adjust with the normalcy of life. But he is scared from within and he fears insecurities that might crop as consequence of his anger. This ordinary man is betrayed, cheated and is forced to see inhumanity. But all that he does is drive himself within a shell of humbleness and politeness.

However once this polite side breaks, a huge storm awaits. A bigger transformation happens. When Abhirup meets his childhood friend Anjan (Jeet) all fenced break. Anjan comes as a saviour, who initiates a change in Abir. He pulls that extraordinary man and makes him face the world. Prepares him to see the terror directly in the eye and defeat the same.

The actor who deserves all brownie points for Rajesh Ganguly's The Royal Bengal Tiger is of course Abir as Abhirup. His transformation is remarkable and his ordinariness shines beyond expectations and outnumbers the rest. A better storyline and a crafty narration could have made the film a better watch. But it is Jeet and Abir who steals the show, much beyond the narrative. The other actors are natural and helps in build the ordinary everyday quite well, yet the film is not complete to an extent and needed a little bit of perfection for the more intelligent and refined audience. The twists and turns are ordinary and predictable too.

To sum up, The Royal Bengal Tiger is a take on the ordinary everyday lives of the ordinary man. But the film is a must watch for the sheer joy of watching Abir Chatterjee and Jeet sharing a common screen space.


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