Sringara Velan Movie Review
You have got only yourself to blame, if you start hunting for logic, reason or judgment in a film that has been scripted by Siby K Thomas and Udaykrishna, and having found none of these, start pulling out your hair strands one by one. The script writers' latest offing that has been directed by Jose Thomas is thus yet another threat to your carefully maintained mane.
This time around Dileep plays Kannan, a jobless fashion designer, who even in his mid-thirties hasn't figured out what he wants to do with his life. He does know however, that money matters more than anything else, and falls in love with a beautiful belle from a Kovilakom (Vedhika). Enter the goon of all goons (Lal) and you have 'Sringaravelan' all ready on a platter.
'Sringaravelan' is one of those films that could give the most formulaic of films a run for their money. Its only with a sense of disbelief and awe that you would be able to watch each of those scenes unfurl on screen, all the while taking note of where you had seen that one last.
Slapstick is perfectly fine, and we have all had great fun in the theatre at some point of time or the other, roaring with laughter at the antics of an actor. In 'Sringaravelan', nothing of the sort happens, and while it insists that there are occasions when you need to chuckle and giggle, you look around frantically for the amusement that simply isn't there.
Coming to the comic interludes that are expected to bring in some life to the plot, they are no different from the gags that we have seen elsewhere, that reek of lewdness. Coarseness seldom bothers me, but monotony does. And in 'Sringaravelan', tedium rules the roost.
It would be an understatement that the material that the film is made of is beyond stale. The clumsy character sketches, and the haphazard fashion in which they are all thrown together helps affirm the notion that even the most solid of casts have their limitations, when the platform on which they are to perform is being fast eaten away by the shoddy script termites.
What on earth makes Dileep accept roles as these, has always escaped me, and the only thing that we could perhaps hope for is that better sense prevail will ultimately prevail, and that he would show such offers the waste basket. Vedhika does induce some freshness on screen and brings about a charm with her gorgeous presence. Lal the actor, is back to square one after a couple of impressive performances, while Kalabhavan Shajon leaves a mark.
As is always the case in such films, the makers have the perfect excuse of it being a family entertainer for the festive season that should only be concerned about the delight that it generates. The story, the narrative and the screenplay are only secondary. Entertainment rules.
It's a riot of colors all right, and with songs propping up every now and then, the noise gets deafening in no time. It reminds you of one of those smoke crackers that blur things for a while, creating an impression that something worthwhile is happening amidst the smoke, and when it finally clears off you realize that it was all a sham.
I guess it's entirely my fault that I was on the lookout for at least a couple of distantly appealing comedic flourishes in 'Sringaravelan'. Despite all my irrational expectations, I realize now that I should have known better.