I Don't Luv U Hindi Movie Review

I Don't Luv U Movie Review

Feature Film | 2013 | Drama, Romantic
I Don't Luv You lacks on all departments right from casting, acting, production quality, story to director. Best avoided.
May 17, 2013 By Mansha Rastogi

MMS scandals always find their way of becoming viral amongst the tech-savvy youth. The cases have also made their way to headlines and prime time news shows too. Even some of the biggest celebrities haven't been spared from this stigma of sensationalism. One amongst them is the lead actor of this film itself. Ruslaan Mumtaz, who was allegedly embroiled in a steamy MMS with his former flame Sasha Agha, takes up a similar situation onscreen too in his latest film I Don't Luv You. We tell you what this film is all about.

So the story basically revolves around a couple. Yuvaan (Ruslaan Mumtaz) is a young and reckless college boy who like many others around him is interested more in bras than books. Call it a case of raging hormones he and his friends spend most of their times checking girls out in college so much so that one amongst them literally has a mental data base of the various busts and derrieres that come in his radar. Life's all hunky dory for Yuvaan till Aayra (Chetna Pande) walks in and cupid strikes. His adolescent love takes the better of him at one weak moment only to find himself embroiled in a MMS scandal that rocks the nation crumbling his life and that of Aayra too. Do they come out of the mess or does the scandal ruin their lives, watch the film to find out.

Director Amit Kasaria models his story around the Delhi MMS scandal that had hit the headlines way back in 2004. In a bid to make a stark story more palatable he merges a love story track with it along with some attempted young humour. But everything else just like the scandal itself falls flat on its face.

The filmmaker takes the entire first half to come to the main plot of the film by which time you are lulled into a comatose state courtesy the jarring and loony acting by all and sundry on screen. The entire idea of capturing the college frolic is awry and only ends up leaving you annoyed.

If the screenplay is shoddy the least said about the acting the better. Not a single actor including the reasonably experienced lead star Ruslaan succeeds in delivering a half decent performance. It's only the case of bad acting that renders no connect with the audience. Neither do you connect with the innocence of the young couple's romance nor do you feel for the sudden change in their lives leading to the controversy.

To sum it up, I Don't Luv You lacks on all departments right from casting, acting, production quality, story to director. Best avoided.

Mansha Rastogi

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