Ginger Malayalam Movie Review

Ginger Movie Review

Feature Film | 2013
There was this friend who walked up to me, and who on seeing my face that looked a bit pale asked me where I have been too.
Nov 10, 2013 By Veeyen

I do try very hard to reduce my expectations regarding a Shaji Kailas film these days, and when they tell me he is experimenting with a comedy, I try harder to keep my panic in check. But yes, the alarm bell does go off, and as I walk in to watch 'Ginger', I have this niggling feel at the back of my mind, that something simply isn't going to be right.

Thankfully, time flies. And as I walk out an hour and a half later (almost), I thank my lucky stars that it doesn't stand still. It isn't an easy task sitting through 'Ginger', but we learn to tide over the mishaps in our life albeit after a bit of a struggle.

Vivekanandan (Jayaram) seems to have had a tough life till date. He doesn't have a clue as to whom he owes money to, and troubles and misfortune are his faithful escorts. You don't have a clue as to why he has turned out into the jelly muddle that he has evolved into. Circumstances, someone tells me, and I meekly nod in agreement.

That's it. I mean, that's all that I can say about the story of this film. If you ask me if there isn't anything left, I would say there is plenty. In fact, a bit too much, when you think of it. But there is hardly an instance around that I would gladly recollect.

Some scripts are bad, and some worse. And here is a piece of ginger that seems to have been lying under the ground for quite a long while. It looks muddy, and has almost turned into a stale piece of Chukku that is simply no good.

Someone had the nerve to call this one a comedy. If this is a comedy, then I wonder what you would call those films where you have had some genuine laughs. I mean, come on, give me an occasion that would in the least, bring a smile to your lips, before you brand a film a comedy!

The last few cinematic outings of the director have been nothing short of catastrophes and 'Ginger' is no exception. In fact, it is even shoddier. It would take some real effort to undo the harm done, but lets hope Shaji bounces back with a vengeance, probably rediscovering the potentials that he had initially displayed with aplomb.

I really don't have words to describe Jayaram in this film; he seems to have resigned himself to the inordinate clutter that he has landed in, and looks terribly forlorn and lost. One wonders if he had got a bit too involved in the role, but there are very few reasons to believe so.

If the haplessness of the hero is a matter of grave concern, the ladies do not seem to be much aware of it. Perhaps they are glad that they are not relegated to the status of a show piece as is the case in a usual Shaji Kailas film, and look overjoyed.

There was this friend who walked up to me, and who on seeing my face that looked a bit pale asked me where I have been too. On hearing the title of the film, he quipped - "No wonder you look like a monkey who ate one!'


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